Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Meron's Mocha Club

For those of you in the Ethiopian blogging community, most of this is old news. You've seen this video and heard of Mocha Club. Well, for the rest of you, here is an e-mail that I just sent to 27 people:
Okay, I don't usually ask for money. But this is important. Everyone I e-mailed knows our family or has been touched by Ethiopian adoption and, since I tell everyone I know every detail of her life, you all know Meron. You know what light she brings to the world and the amazing potential she holds. She is funny, smart, beautiful, loving, kind, ambitious, stubborn and just all around amazing. And the thing is, when I look at the faces on the news of kids starving and dying of preventable diseases, I see her staring back at me. Those things that make her such an integral part of the world... those aren't there because of Nathan and I. All of those things she was born with. That means... all those people you see that make you feel sorry for them, well, it's worse than just a sad thing. When I think of the loss to the world that would occur if something happened to Meron it is unfathomable. In Africa alone, 5500 people per day die of AIDS, and 2,800 children PER DAY die of Malaria. Both of these diseases are preventable and, once you have them, are treatable. And there is no difference between those 8300 kids and my kid.... other than that I am blessed to be able to dress her in far too many expensive clothes and give her all the food and medical treatment she needs. 8300 Merons leaving the planet every day? That takes my breath away... and I think we all have a responsibility to do what we can to help prevent it. Join Meron's Mocah Club and give $7 a month to support HIV/AIDS and healthcare in Africa. $7 a month... the cost of 2 Mochas. This will help provide medical attention, prevention education and small business loans and job skills training. So, not only will people receive the life saving drugs they need, they will learn to prevent the spread of diseases and will be given tools and opportunity to become contributing members of society agian. Check out my club:
Right now, everyone who joins gets one of their shirts free. Here are the tshirt choices - http://www.mochaclub.org/images/all_mocha_tshirts_titles.jpg.

So, Mocha Club is this website where you give up $7 a month - the cost of 2 mochas - to support a project in Africa.$7 doesn't seem like much, but it is huge. For example, $7 can provide clean water to 7 Africans for one year. I sent this e-mail to 27 people. What could $189 a month do?

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