Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Bath Edition X 3

As with most things at our house, bath time has gotten MUCH more exciting. Melese hated it the first two times we gave him a bath, and when Dooter hates something, he really lets you know (as well as letting all of the neighbors and probably space know). The third time we set him in the tub, he cried for 5 seconds until Nathan grabbed his hands and showed him how to splash. Since then, he's LOVED bath time. He wouldn't sit down at first, preferring instead to dump buckets full of water on his head. Now he sits the whole time and he and Yenenesh take turns dumping water on each other and splashing. It is the highlight of their day.
Mer... not so much. She doesn't like to get her face wet, so the other two kids' splashing doesn't go over well. We got exactly 6 pictures of all three in the tub, and the next one in the series is Meron climbing out and sternly telling the others, "Guys! Hey guys! You are getting wet on me! I am getting out!"

Once Mer is out of the tub, a splash fest the likes of which you've never imagined occurs.. much to the delight of our children... and the dismay of our bathroom.

Where is Mer during all of this? Already lotioned and jammied after her 3.5 minute bath... enjoying the show.


  1. Love it! Elliot is a big splasher, too. When he's finished I'm usually wetter than he is ^_^

  2. Anonymous2/03/2011

    but the pressing question on everyone's mind is: WHERE is Yeni's ever-present sticker?? Her forehead looks practically naked.

  3. M did not like the bathtub either at first, took a lot of coaxing over a few baths to get him to sit down. He also just wanted water poured on his head, which we still do, while sitting in the tub!
