Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mystery solved...

On Tuesday Hani was all out of sorts. Like... cried 15 times during the hour she was home between school and dance class and twice in the 5 minute car ride to dance class. This was clearly one year ago Hana, not current Hana. She wouldn't say what was wrong, even though we all knew something was.  Had a nice time at dance, came home and started crying again. Still... "Nothing's wrong mama! Why you keep asking me?!" Finally she cracked. "Mama, I pulled my tooth while I was at school and it started to wiggle and then it was BLEEDING ALL OVER EVERYTHING! I'm gonna DIE!" Yup. There it is.  Mystery solved. We had a long discussion about bleeding and the difference between dangerous bleeding and a little bleeding. She snuggled in. She went to bed.  Fifteen minutes later she came into our room where I was reading and said, "Mama... my tooth is...out. And it didn't even hurt."  She put it under her pillow and went back to bed.  Anybody who has a kid with some trauma knows how big this was. She was scared. Really scared. It took her a while, but she told me why. And she recovered. She didn't strike out verbally or physically. She didn't hurt herself or try to convince us that we didn't want her to be in our family. She just told me and trusted me when I told her it was going to be okay. So. Big. Also? She looks really cute with a giant hole in her smile.


  1. Huge! Massive! And beautiful. Sigh, you just never know which ordinary random thing is going to push a button.

  2. Beautifully written; what a terrific girl and what tremendous progress! Trust takes a long time...kudos to you all!
