Friday, August 8, 2008


We booked tickets today, and I am really really excited. We will be leaving Minneapolis at 4:25pm on Saturday Aug 23. We have a 2.3 hour flight to JFK, then a 12.45 hr flight to Dubai. We spend the night in a hotel there, then have a 4 hour flight to Addis Ababa. We will hopefully be back in Minneapolis at 3:52 pm on Sept 1st. Really REALLY excited!


  1. Anonymous8/08/2008

    Really, really excited for you! Hugs, hugs.

  2. Hey Kate!Really nice to read your blog. Have to get to know our traveling buddies!LOL!
    Oh, and the carpet staples...we did that a couple of years ago!!Ughh! But i LOVE the hardwood floors!2 weeks from today we will all be traveing to our little ones!!!
