Monday, January 12, 2009

15 Months!

Meron is now 15 months old. I meant to post on the 10th, but she was in such a good mood on the 10th that I didn't want to miss anything. Then I was going to post on the 11th, but she was in such a bad mood that I didn't have time! She is now an almost walker... she's been venturing out on her own a lot more. I think that she'll walk more than she'll crawl within the next two weeks. That means she is right on target for Ethiopian babies, as everyone in Ethiopia said that babies should walk at about 15 months. She is so tall and heavy now. She can learn about 1 sign every day, and is really starting to know how to use them. She can sign please, more, eat, drink, thank you and milk. She can say hi, bye, mama, dada, tickle,bear, light, tree, roar, woof, moo, baa, quiet and quack, although she doesn't say them all consistently. She understands a lot of directions now, which is really fun. She has 3 teeth in and 3 more coming (poor baby!). Meron is more amazing, funny and beautiful every day, and we love her more every second.


  1. She's going to be a dancer, I just know it .. ballet is in her near future Kate!

  2. I LOVE the head bob. It's awesome! Who is the most beautiful little girl in the world? Merrie is!!
