Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lazy blogger...

I know. I am a terrible blogger. I have been getting lazy. It is not for lack of things to say but because I have a lot of really large, half formed ideas bouncing around in my head. What big ideas, you ask? You probably didn't ask but I'll pretend you did, because it will make me feel better about myself.

1. Hair. 'Good' hair or lack of it. Huge politics surrounding this seemingly relatively unimportant physical feature that I have only recently begun to appreciate for the complex social issue that it creates.

2. International adoption and the ethics there of. There are many people that believe that international adoption is unethical at best. I don't know how to feel about that. On the one hand... they've got some excellent points. On the other... it is hard to question the validity of my family. I guess if feels valid to me.

3. Nathan got a new job. This changes... everything. Better pay, better hours, no weekends or holidays.... but Mer has to go to daycare. How do I deal with this? How do I trust someone else with something as important as, well, the world?

4. Meron is turning 2. TWO! I think by this point, you all know what I'm going to say about this (blah blah blah... baby's going to leave me!) Never the less... it is one big old ping pong ball bouncing about in my brain.

Maybe I'll get around to blogging about each of these topics... but I think my ideas need to be more fully formed before I do.

Until then.... the top 5 things to do at Grandma and Papa's house:

Number 5:

Watch the Gophers with Papa.

Number 4:

Put things in baskets and carry them around the house.

Number 3:

Get your own water out of the cooler and drink from a big girl cup.

Number 2:

Chase the dog. (Yes, the dog that everyone is proud of if she only bites people a little when they come over to visit)

Number 1 favorite thing to do at Grandma and Papa's house?

Hug the bewildered, slightly hostile cat.

That is a lot of excitement for one 5 hour visit to the farm.


  1. Hopefully you'll get around to putting some of your more detailed thoughts down, but in the meanwhile-this was a hilarious post (with pictures). The dog's face, the cat staring at her-priceless.

    Congrats on the new job for Nathan and I know what you mean. I have no problems with the kids going to school because it's right next door to me and I know everyone there. But, for the next two weeks they'll be at a different center for their fall break care and I'm SO NERVOUS. It never ends. Never.

  2. I'm thrilled by Nathan's new job. I know it will be gut-wrenching for you to put Mer in daycare...but I really think the socialization will be good. She has been home for over 1 year so I don't think it will set you back, attachment-wise.
    Also, with Nathan working days...when you do too you'll have EXTRA family time which should make up for any issues with daycare.
    Hugs to you.
