Sunday, December 12, 2010


So, Christmas is coming. There is a lot of magic this year. Meron is old enough to know what is going on and to anticipate, but not old enough to care about presents. In fact, she couldn't think of anything she wanted for Christmas... other than 'presents.'

She enjoyed her first hot chocolate,

helped me make sugar cookies,

sat on Santa's lap...

all the things that make Christmas lovely. But there are still two little people missing. I can't help but picture what I thought this Christmas would be like.... 5 stockings hung up, two little girls in fancy dresses and a natty suit for Melese, trying to maintain proper sprinkle to cookie ratios with three sets of hands 'helping.' Everyone who has adopted knows that you shouldn't get too caught up with the pictures in your head, but it is hard. Really really hard to resist. So while I am loving this Christmas... I am so missing what I was hoping this Christmas would be. And I am wishing that I could give my little ones who are still so far away a little bit of the feeling of family and love and magic that we are feeling here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12/13/2010

    I can't imagine. Truly. But it will be the best New Years ever. No consolation...doesn't make this easier, but something to look forward to. xoxo
