Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More Waiting... but with New Pictures!

Set backs are inevitable, but when they are this late in the game they are so hard!! The US Embassy has not released the schedule for Visa appointments for 2011 and they just released a statement saying they will let everyone know at the end of December or the beginning of January... which makes us getting tickets nearly impossible, because our agency says it is too risky to buy tickets until we at least know the schedule. So... on hold again, this time waiting for the US government.
On the bright side...they look happy. Healthy. And oh so lovely. Although, you'll notice Melese got some serious burns on his hands. Poor guy! They said he got burned when they were bringing in the porridge for breakfast... not sure how it happened, but I sure wish I could be there to take care of him.
New pictures from this month. It is so fun to get new pictures and be able to show people! I will say, for all of the hard things that have happened with our agency, they are great about giving us updates. We get medical and developmental updates weekly, and pictures monthly. So different from when we adopted Mer and only got pictures once right after we passed court!


  1. Anonymous12/14/2010

    oh so glorious.
    A family with our agency got a call on Thursday that they have (had) embassy Monday. I have NO IDEA how they got tickets/seats on a flight out. This is crazy.
    now we cannot say "oh, it's Ethiopia"...now it's actually the US gov't.
    big hugs my friend. And pancakes. And popcorn. And Christmas lights. And all good things in the world. xoxo

  2. gorgeous kids!!! ahhhhhhh!!

    good wishes with all the waiting craziness. ugh!
