Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My mom and dad made some beds for the kids. Yeah, they're awesome. So for 3 nights now, our girl who ALWAYS slept with us for significant portions of the night has slept in her own bed. In her own room. All night long.
I miss her... but I'm so proud of her.
Sitting on the bed...


A little light reading...

And two more beds to fill up...

We are waiting for word on when we can go to Ethiopia... theoretically we should be leaving this weekend... but it is Wednesday and we haven't heard anything. Which.Is.CRAZY.
So... we wait with baited breath for the phone call and check our e-mail 1000 times a day.
We'll let ya'll know!


  1. All fingers and toes crossed and lots of love your way! X

  2. Oh my goodness! Someone please give you a heads up. I can't take it anymore. We need some fun updated pictures of these new littles!! Gosh- this is a like a recurring dream.

  3. Woh. just woh. Peace to you as you await for the final "GO!"

  4. Anonymous1/14/2011

    I think it's pretty freaking cool that Sam and Mer transitioned to big beds the exact same week.
    loving you guys so much!
