Monday, January 24, 2011

Pictures... Becoming a family of 5

So.... I don't really know where to start. The trip really did go as well as we could have hoped. Yenenesh was really excited to see us and took my hand right away to take me up the five flights of marble stairs to her room, where someone had hung a poster of our family above her bed. It said, "Congratulations Yenenesh and Melese on becoming part of the Schutz Family!" and they had Photo Shopped a picture of her and Melese into our family. We were buddies right away, and the only time she really got upset was when we got back to the guest house the first night. She cried for about 10 minutes while I held her, and then she wanted to play with the play dough I brought for her.

We were really worried about Melese, because he HATED Nathan the first time we went. He cried right away when he saw us and any time he felt like we were paying too much attention to him. He absolutely lost it when they put him in the van on Nathan's lap... but as soon as the van started moving he stopped. And from that moment on Melese and Nathan have been inseparable. That night, Melese had to sleep on Nathan's chest the whole night. And little man is heavy. Like, seriously heavy and compact. Nathan describes him as a sweaty medicine ball.
We did fine. Melese got a little better every day. The first day Nathan couldn't put him down at all. By the second day, Melese would grudgingly walk back and forth 'delivering things' between people. On the third day he was running around, kicking the ball and playing. He has been doing GREAT since we got home... although the airplane was a little awful for the half hour it took for everyone to board.
We had a great time staying at my parents' house. The kids got along really well and there was much squealing, running and playing. It was really lovely. When Mer woke up and saw Yenenesh, they just smiled and giggled at each other for about five minutes.

Now that we are home, things are okay. Hard. Crazy. Chaotic. Funny. Silly. Playful. Jealous. Yenenesh, who was incredibly well behaved, sweet and compliant the entire trip, has suddenly begun testing. Like, she won't wear any of her clothes, use her own things, etc. Whatever Mer has, Yeni wants. It is hard. Picking battles, choosing sides. She has been having 15-20 minutes crying fits for things such as wanting Meron's orange cup instead of her pink one (that she had picked out). But... that's getting better too. The first melt down was on the way home when she wanted pop and not water for lunch. That one lasted an hour and a half. The latest ones have been more like 10 minutes. Hopefully she is starting to understand that she can catch more flies with honey... than with whining and really really fake crying(the kind where they forget they are supposed to be crying... but then remember and start again).

Mer has been a champ, and I've told her a thousand times how proud I am of her. It is really hard to go from being Queen of All She Surveys to needing to share with a sister who can be extremely unreasonable and a brother who is really little and needs help with lots of things.

So... things are okay, and getting better fast. It is hard learning to be a family of five. Here's to hoping we're quick learners....


  1. I'll be sure to poach all of your secrets re tantrums once Elliot starts the 'terrible twos'! It sounds like you are doing great. Well done you. Well done Nathan. And well done Meron, big little sister! X

  2. Awesome!!! What beautiful girls and such an adorable little man!!!

  3. Anonymous1/24/2011

    sigh! joy. tears. full heart. I just cannot say how thrilled I am that its going so well. I cannot believe how terrific Yeni and Melese look. REALLY terrific.
    Mer is a super star...and so is her mommy!

  4. Sounds the norm! yay! This is good. So very, very hard, but good. There will be a lot of 2 steps forward then 4 back(sometimes it will feel like 5 billion back), but it will be okay and different things will get better all the time. Just keep taking a day at a time! so, so happy for you all. Beautiful family!

  5. It sounds like you are doing an amazing job! I'm pretty sure it will be day to day for quite awhile. How precious to see all 3 of your kiddos together....finally!

  6. Ok. I hate my new phone except for one thing. I can go back to reading blogs!! Wow! What a change for you guys! Sounds a bit like our family 2 years ago. Btw...Bethi still does the fake crying. Enjoy becoming adjusted. We think of you all often!
