Motherhood Lesson #852 That I Wish I Wouldn't Have Had to Learn First Hand:
When one is diapering a freshly lotioned two year old who is screaming and trying to rub all of the lotion off of his face while one's naked, freshly lotioned three year old jumps onto one's back and begins loudly demanding help with her 'unnawear' and one's freshly lotioned, naked four year old starts leaning on said diapering individual and making increasingly whiny demands for hugs in spite of being asked to wait until said two year old is, in fact, diapered, and the dogs in the kitchen start a barking frenzy that should be reserved for attacking Nazi's but is probably in response to one of the baby rabbits who has taken up residence on the other side of the fence in the backyard, and all of the naked, freshly lotioned children demand an explanation for the riot under their feet, one should refrain from stating one's belief that the barking is in response to a baby bunny, in hopes of avoiding the giant, naked, lotiony pile of crying children that will inevitably result when they all attempt to run down the hall at the same time to see the baby bunny.
That is all.
PS- I dare you to come up with a longer sentence.
Oh boy. I see my future. =) Saw your comment on my blog-thanks! Our kids are around the same ages: 4ish, 18 months-ish and I am sure I can learn a lot from your blog! -Meg