Oh park. What did we do without you all winter long? Why do we not live someplace where we can go to the park year round?
What is Meron practicing writing in the graffiti at the skate park?
Why do they always want to play on the quarter pipe at the skate park instead of the perfectly good slides?
Exactly what do Meron and Malakai hope to find peering through the cracks of the bridge?
How crazy scared did it make me to see them at the top of that slide (considering Meron fell off of it when she was little and I had to catch her as she plummeted to the earth)?
Where are Meron's beautiful close ups? (Actually, I know the answer to this one. She refused to sit in one spot and said she doesn't like taking pictures)
Exactly how cute is Hana? Notice anything about her ears? (She apparently knows many more men than women with pierced ears, because she thinks she looks like a boy now that she has little tiny rainbow daisy earrings)
Could he be any more charming?
So many questions...
Oh, I know what you mean about parks! And, Hana looks like a little girl to me! :D