Thursday, August 16, 2012

My baby girls started dance this week.  You have no idea how excited they were. Seriously... They asked me EVERY SINGLE DAY if today was THE day.  Hana's was on Tuesday night.  We got really crappy pictures because the lighting in the waiting room was weird. 

 She had a blast. She thought it was really fun and liked her teacher, even though he was a boy.
Meron had to wait until today to have class. It nearly did her in. We kept having to drag her out of Hani's class while we were waiting... she'd sneak over and open the door and try to walk in as soon as I turned my head. As soon as she woke up this morning she asked if it was time to go to dance class yet (no baby, not at 6:15am).  We were smarter this time and took pictures before we left. I can't even deal with how cute they were in their pink tights and leotards.
 When we were walking into the studio Meron asked, "Mama, are there grown up ballerinas?" I told her that there were, and that people who wanted to have dancing as a job had to work really hard at it and practice a lot. Meron said, "Oh Mama. I can work REALLY hard." Watching her walk into the studio was magic.  It was like... home. She walked up to the teacher, held her hand and said, "I'm Meron. Can we dance now?"
 She had so much fun. Her only complaint? Class was way to short. "I just want to dance and dance, Mama. Can't we stay longer and dance?"

 I am so proud of them both... and so excited to watch them learn.


  1. Oh my gosh, what a blast of adorableness! So sweet.

  2. LOVE! those pictures are liable to melt a heart into a puddle.
