Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In which Meron has some fun on the farm and Mama makes a heart felt, though possibly not wise, decision.

We had a fun day with Grandma and Grandpa again- I mean, who doesn't love to chase chickens? Sometimes I'm sad that Mer won't grow up on a farm like I did. It really is a pretty nice thing to walk out your door and see nothing but green. When she goes to the farm, she has chickens to chase, eggs to collect, kitties to chase and unlimited space to run around. She has a blast.

The pergola she is standing on is the one that my dad built for Nathan and I to stand on at our wedding. It is still in the same place, and it kind of shocked me to see Mer on it. Five years ago, when we were standing on that hill being married, I would never have imagined where our life was headed. How could I think up anything as good as Meron? Her language is really taking off lately. She is talking all the time and singing and repeating everything we say. Time to take the no swearing thing seriously, I guess. I mean, I always attempt, but I'm going to have to try harder.

In honor of my first mother's day (which I actually spent working) I got a tattoo. It is the amharic word for mother - enat and is written in the Ge'ez script. It is in a rather visible place... which kind of freaks me out. I got it in brown ink so that Mer and I would both have a little bit of brown, and I want her to know that I'm proud of my little bit of brown skin. Besides, I can always wear my hair down, and my Grandma will never know... oops... grandma reads my blog. Don't freak out Grandma.


  1. I love the tattoo, the meaning and the color. Seriously-awesome. :)

    And, I like how you posted pics of her on the pergola and you talked about how five years ago you never would have imagined where your life was heading...or Meron.

    Funny, isn't it?!

    LOVE it.

  2. Yep, it is an AWESOME tattoo!! Not an unwise decision at all!!

  3. I'm loving the tattoo and love how you reflect on your life 5 years ago ... just sweet!

  4. I think the tattoo is SO BEAUTIFUL and please know I'm going to steal your idea and get the same on me when I return from ETH with Sammy.
    I love, love, love that you have a pictures of Mer on the pergola...I bet that brought tears to your dad's eyes.
