Thursday, June 4, 2009


Mer got this dress from her Great Grandma Opal in her Easter basket. I LOVE the color on her. I was very excited to discover that for the first time, Meron can tell me some colors! She has a book that has all sorts of different colors of buttons in the front and back cover, and I always ask her to find the blue buttons. Well, today she pointed right to a blue one and said, "blue!!" I thought maybe it was just a coincidence, but she pointed to three different blue buttons. Then she pointed to three different yellow buttons when I asked about yellow ones. I am kind of in awe. She has also started to be really interested in matching things. A friend of ours was at our house yesterday, and when she got up to leave, Meron brought her one of her shoes. I told her to go find the one that matches and she did right away. Then, again thinking maybe it was a coincidence, I had her find the match to all of her shoes (an embarrassingly large number of pairs) and she got all of them right. She can also point out circles and squares and diamonds all of a sudden. Such a smarty pants!


  1. My girl is THE BEST!!!!! Maybe she can help Sam with his matching and colors some day soon!

  2. That's amazing. I have been studying development for some time and I'm still so shocked to see small children do the things they do. It's great that she knows her colors consistently-not even my son could do that five months ago! Of course, it was probably just a language thing. At least, I hope it was. :-\

  3. How awesome!! Gorgeous and super smart?!? WOW!!!!!
