Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th!

We had a lot of fun, although we missed Nathan. I'm really tired of him working on all of the major holidays... but I guess someone has to provide 'active treatment' to the kids who don't get to go home, right? I wish he had the same job I do, because I'm not allowed to work on holidays!

Some notes about the pictures...

1. Many of the pictures I have are of Meron running away. I mostly saw Meron's back all day, as she was extremely busy. There was a little boy who was 2 1/2 to play with, and her grandma, and a kitty... I wasn't even on the coolness scale for most of the day.

2. I know my grandma will hate it that I posted a picture of her on the blog. Sorry grandma, but I think it is beautiful, and I love it. It is going on my wall, too.

3. I love the last picture, because it is at the very end of the day and shows just how full and sleepy she was by the time we left.
We didn't get to see many fireworks, except while we were driving home. Meron was supposed to sleep the whole way, which worked really well at first, but she woke up about an hour and a half before we got there. So, she saw her first fireworks, too. She loved them, and would squeal and say "Ohh! Ohh! Wow!" every time she saw one. It was actually pretty fun.
I hope everyone had a lovely holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7/08/2009

    Great picture with your grandma - glad you posted it!
