Thursday, July 30, 2009

Early Retirement...

It is decided. Mer is going to be a supermodel by the time she is 18 and I am going to retire. So, just 16 more years of work. Shwew.

How do I know, you ask? Well... since you asked....

Mer won the first ever JJW Photography Facebook Contest!! The topic was "Eyes" Well, I mean, that is kind of her best thing... or one of them... Jodi (of JJW Photography) took our first professional pictures of Meron, and her daughter (Destiny) was at House of Hope with Meron.

There was some seriously stiff competition, especially from a whole bunch of incredibly lovely Ethiopian kids.

Here is our winning picture

Mer, January 09
Congrats to the runners up- Amanda, I thought Adia was robbed!


  1. lol!!! She's gorgeous but her eyes weren't the strongest in that picture. I scolded her something awful for it (KIDDING!!!-for those that are scared that I'm telling the truth).

    Mer's gorgeous and really-I was planning the same thing for Adia. I already have it planned out-Adia and Amalia will be super models and Amado will be their bodyguard. Andrew and I will manage their career so they don't do anything too out there.

    Congrats on winning. I loved seeing all of the photos.

  2. GOR.GE.OUS girl? check. Winning personality? check. Adoring and devoted fan base? check. Stunningly fashionable wardrobe? check. Killer dance moves? check.
    Now all she needs to to practice walking in 4 inch heals. But I'm guessing you don't have any of those Kate. I think I smell at Minneapolis shopping trip!
