Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mimi the Pickpocket

My baby is 21 months old. Yup. That means almost two. And, being a precocious child, she has decided to get into those 'terrible two's' a little early. Really, it isn't so much a terrible thing so much as an "I can do it myself (even if I really can't), and I don't want your help, and I might not even really like you" thing. To counter balance this new found love of Independence that makes me weep at least once a week, (sobbing quietly to myself or to Nathan "My baby doesn't need me anymore!") comes amazing new language skills and even more of a sense of humor than she had before. So, when she doesn't hate me, she is really really fun. Meron has gotten very fond of naming things. She likes to pat me and say Mama and then Nathan and say Dada and then all of our various body parts, etc. She was having a terrible time saying Meron, though. She can say Tewabech, I don't know, I love you, oh man!, etc but not Meron. All of a sudden last week she came up with a solution and dubbed herself "Mimi." It is pretty darn cute. She likes to write her name (she holds the pencil while I guide her hand) and can say all of the letters in Meron. So she says, "M-E-R-O-N....MIMI!!!" So funny.
She has also begun a path toward a life of crime, from which I am hoping we can dissuade her. I was cooking a few days ago and she was standing by my side watching me when I suddenly realized how quiet it really was. No asking to come up and help, no chasing the dogs, no asking for apples or cheese. I got nervous. When I looked down I saw that she had managed to take everything out of my pocket without me noticing and was laying it in neat piles on the floor. I watched her without saying anything, curious about what she had planned. She left everything else on the floor, but took my debit card out of the pile, opened up a cupboard, opened the little used bread machine, and put my debit card inside of it. Wow. How many years would it have been before I found that, you ask? The answer is... maybe Mer would have found it when she was cleaning out our things after Nathan and I had both died of old age. Maybe.


  1. That is seriously cute... We "lose" stuff in my son's backpack alot!

  2. That's so amazing ... when I was little I couldn't say Mary so I called myself Mimi too I even have a video of me doing it because I don't remember ... so cute that she came up with that all on her own!

  3. That's a hysterical story about the debit card. I'm glad you saw her do it otherwise-that would have been an interesting phone call to the card company....

    And, Mimi's a cute nickname. :) The kids not liking you thing doesn't stop, I hear...
    I get it everytime I say "no" or "maybe" and whenever I tell them it's not possible for them to make their own rules.

  4. Kate, that is sooo cute. I read on a few times on other people's blog that 'mimi' actually is a term of endearment for little girls in Ethiopia. How fitting! Your daughter's becoming quite a little lady!!!!
