Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bath time....the Poser edition

Mer was posing, asking me to take pictures. Not sure where she learned this.... although she does like to look a her pictures as soon as I take them now, so perhaps she was posing for her own amusement.


  1. aw, these pictures are sooo cute !!! what a sweetie.

    i think this is my first time commenting here.

    i wanted to link to follow your blog but dont see a follow me box..

    come on over and pop in and visit ours sometime...

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Really too funny because Meron was always my number one choice. I love Merrie. And I am a devoted reader of your blog (secretly until now I guess!) I don't know why we went with Ariam instead of Meron but I guess you just know when you see your child. Amanda

  3. I'm digging the Eriq LaSalle a'la Sole Glow commerical bangs!
