Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Pictures

These are some pictures from the last few days. The first is Mer and my mom ... half way done with changing Merrie's diaper. She may be mad at me when she is older, because she is pantsless, but I love their profiles. The next ones are of Meron (or 'Hollywood' as Elz has dubbed her) wearing her new sunglasses and sitting in the chair she got from her grandma and grandpa. I love the ones where she is blowing kisses to her adoring fans and the one where she is rolling her eyes. I find that one a little terriyfing... it gives me a glimpse of what she'll look like in another 12 years. The other pictures are of Meron in a Christmas dress that Nathan's mom bought for her. It fits her perfectly and is way cute, but I haven't figured out where she can wear it yet. We don't really go anywhere besides the grocery store... but she sure would be a hit, I guess. We thought she looked like a pirate wearing her bloomers... but not a very tough pirate, since there are puppies and kittens on them.
Meron has been with us for 4 months now. Happy 4 month famiversary, Mer. I can't believe how fast it has gone. Merrie is getting to be more of a toddler and less of a baby all the time. She has started following simple directions now. Last night I told her to go tickle her daddy, and she immediately went and did it. She is practicing walking all the time, although she still wants me to walk behind her waiting to catch. Tonight she stood up in the middle of the room, turned around and walked the 5 steps to the couch. It is so exciting, but so sad for me to watch. I love that she can communicate now. She frequently says hi, bye, baby, quack, woof, moo mama, daddy and lights. There are a lot of other words she says sometimes, and even more that she will repeat if we say them. But she is getting so big, and I'm losing my baby already!


  1. I cannot believe how much you and your mom look alike. It's the same face with different hair. amazing! The pics of Mer in her dress and bloomers are too cute! Just freakin' adorable. You need a story hour or book buddies library group to wear her super-cute outfits to.

  2. oh, and her hair is really growing. I cannot believe how long it's getting!
