Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Last Post Placement Visit

Some of the pictures we sent to Mer's Ethiopian mom:

We had our last social worker visit, which means Meron has been home for almost a year. I can't believe how long it has been... or maybe that there was ever a time when she wasn't here. I just really wish we could send more to her birth mom. A video, a painting done by Meron, a lock of hair... I don't know. It seems weird to me that we can't talk to someone who is such an important part of our family. Meron knows who she is by her picture and can call her "amaye" (mommy). We talk about her frequently. The only two things she asked of us were to make sure that Meron stayed healthy and to make sure she didn't forget about her amaye. I wish I could let her know that we're doing our best to honor both of her requests, and a thousand little things about the incredibly interesting person Meron is becoming.


  1. Time flies! The pictures are great-and I know what you mean about it not feeling like enough. How can it be adequate to someone who gave life to the most important little person in your world?!

    If you honor her wishes-which I know you will-then you're doing the best you can do.

  2. She is happy and beautiful and I'm sure she will see in your pics how wonderfully well Meron is doing!

  3. You won the lottery. Meron won the lottery. Aberdeen, South Dakota, America, all won the lottery. The Ethiopian community won the lottery. WE ALL DID. And Meron's birth mom won the lottery as well, because who could ask for more than a happy, healthy, loved-too-much-if-that's-possible child?

  4. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Makes me want to start the adoption process all over again and go get a precious little girl.
