Friday, February 29, 2008

The Perfect Spot

I found this quiz online today and thought it was interesting. It is supposed to tell you the best places in the U.S. for you to live. Most of mine are in Wisconsin, Vermont, or Massachusetts.... what do you think that says about me?

Montpelier Vermont is one of my "Top Spots"

What is yours?


  1. Anonymous3/02/2008

    Apparently I am a coastal girl at heart. Lots of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Washington, and Oregon options...Mom's said she should move to Arkansas, so I told her to say hi to Jinger for us.

  2. I knew mom always wanted to be a Duggar!

  3. Anonymous3/02/2008

    Jinger will be fine without me. It's funny - I never thought of myself as an Arkansan...
