Friday, February 20, 2009

Pictures to remind me of how sweet Meron is...

Even though she has been VERY cranky the last few days. In all fairness, who wouldn't be cranky when getting two more molars and suffering through intestinal and stomach flu. I can't blame the poor girl. Is it just me, or is she really looking older every day? She's breaking my heart! She doesn't even toddle any more... she's just a walker. I love the one of her and Nathan practicing serious faces. That is our new game; we say, "Let's practice the serious face." and frown and then she makes the best sad/mad/ pouting faces. Then we all laugh. It is really good fun. Plus, sometimes when she is yelling at me I can get her to laugh at herself by telling her she's making a serious face and copying her.


  1. Is it me, or in the very top pic is that a full blown Princess Laya bun on the side of her head?? GORGEOUS GIRL!!!!

  2. She's still such a tiny thing!!
    Amanu is 23 pounds now!
    The Bear shirt is from Macy's. I think the Mabees had the same shirt in one of their baby pictures!
