Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy 3 Month Famiversary

If you look closely, you can see Meron's first puff in one of these pictures. You have to blow it up so it is huge and look VERY closely! Plus, new shoes... she is officially a size 3! We're all excited that she's gone up one whole shoe size in 2 1/2 months. We have now been together for 3 months. I should have posted yesterday, but I hadn't seen Merrie for 24 hours, and I decided it was more important to spend time with her than blog about her! Even now, I'm typing with her strapped to my stomach... we're still teething. So, we'll just say that these past three months have been without a doubt the best, scariest, most fun, most tiring, funniest, sweetest three months of my life. We love you, Mer. Thanks for being our daughter. I know what we are thankful for this Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I don't have the joy of her in person, I am thankful for Mer this Thanksgiving too -- and Nathan and Kate & the doggies as well!!!
    LOVE the plaid shoes!!
