Sunday, October 5, 2008

Merrie's War Face Doesn't Scare Us...

Merrie all ready for hunting wearing Uncle Luke's hat... fuzzy polka dot jammies and all.

And Merrie exploring a tipi while we were Meandering with Grandma. Quite a day!
Lastly, great article about Obama.
Incidentally, I swear Merrie said Obama twice, and she regularly says 'Gobama.' I know you are all as sure as I am that she is purposely cheering on Obama.
We're off to bed... if we sleep now we can get 5 hours before our cute little wake up call @ 2am!


  1. Anonymous10/08/2008

    I thought this was a site to see an Ethiopian baby that was adopted by an American family. Here it is just a spin site for the worst man running for President of the USA. He is involved in ACORN.... He was their lawyer before he was a Senator. ACORN VOTER FRAUD! Google it!

    also GOOGLE:
    A.C.O.R.N. involved with the Mortgage Meltdown

    Obama worked as an ACORN community organizer and was a trainer for Project Vote. Obama provided legal representation for ACORN and for Tony Rezko

  2. First of all, if you are going to come to a family's PRIVATE blog and post nasty, uninvited messages, at least have the courage to sign your name. Second, you really don't get a say in what is posted. Third, spin sight for Obama is a bit of a reach; there have been about 3 postings mentioning Obama and the rest are about our lives an our daughter. Fourth, I don't care what you think, and I'm not writing this blog for you. I'm writing it for my family, friends and daughter. You don't fit in any of these categories, as I'm quite sure nobody I love would be so maybe you should read elsewhere.

  3. You're the best Kate! Love the pictures of Merrie, and your comments.
